Get Fit From The Comfort Of Your Home

Get Fit From The Comfort Of Your Home


Tim Hunt

As the nights draw in and the temperature drops, the last thing on your mind may be heading off into the night and braving the elements to get to the gym, so why not make the most of the amazing home exercise equipment on offer and get fit from the comfort of your own home?

Christmas is traditionally a time for celebration and indulging in rich foods and scrumptious treats, with many of us starting the New Year by resolving to eat a healthier diet and exercise more. Gym membership can be expensive, so why not invest in your long-term health and buy equipment that you can use everyday without having to leave the house?

Exercise equipment

As well as the larger apparatus, such as treadmills, cross-trainers and rowing machines, there is a range of smaller, more practical equipment, which will fit into your home without converting it into a makeshift gym. In recent years, the range of home exercise equipment has diversified massively and you can now buy everything from mini pedal cycles to vibrating plates. Some machines are designed to work your whole body, while others target specific areas and you can adjust the speed, resistance or weight to suit your level of fitness and your training aims.


Staying motivated

Most of us experience a period when we are highly motivated and put lots of effort into exercising but it can be tempting to let it slide, especially when it gets dark at four o clock in the afternoon, the weather is miserable and all you want to do is snuggle up on the sofa in front of the television. Having equipment at home makes it easier to stay motivated allowingyou the flexibility to train while you watch television or listen to music. You can also interact with other people while you exercise and get them involved to make it more fun.

In addition to exercise machines, you can also buy accessories that track your progress and make the most of your training sessions. There are gadgets and gizmos that measure your heart rate and blood pressure and you can also calculate how many calories you have burned.These are especially useful after a few days of eating mince pies, Christmas cake, peanuts and pigs in blankets.

Fitness DVDs

For those who dread the thought of sweating and struggling in front of a gym full of people, fitness DVDs could be the ideal solution. There is an array of options to choose from, including celebrity workouts, aerobic, dance classes and toning activities, such as Pilates.

You can work out to the DVD whenever you want and can also invite friends or relatives over to join in. Exercise DVDs are good because they provide a varied workout, they often have lively soundtracks and you will be guided through the exercises to make sure you re doing them right. You can also choose sections of the DVD to suit your preferences and you can pause, rewind and fast forward.

Keeping fit is really important for your health and if you are planning to kick start the New Year with a fresh outlook on exercise, investing in some home gym equipment could be a great idea. You can choose from an impressive range of accessories, devices and machines and you can enjoy all the benefits of going to the gym without having to leave home.

As Christmas approaches, now is the perfect time to start thinking about getting in shape, so why not take a look at the incredible home exercise equipment available and start the festive period looking and feeling great?

Finding motivation to go to the gym after a very stressful day is not easy, but keeping fit is essential. Having your own gym at home can be a solution; sites such as

Viva Direct

sells home exercise equipment and more.

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Posted by Admin in Dance

Automating Your Home Based Business Saving You Time

Submitted by: Nell Taliercio

First of all, what is automating a business? Simply put, it s having today s technology do the tedious and time consuming tasks that you currently have to do manually. This in turns frees up time that you can work on other business building aspects or spend it with loved ones.

Today s technology gives you a multitude of programs to smooth your way to owning a highly successful business. Using automation programs are a necessity for every business. It can give you back hundreds of hours a year for the more important things in life. It s like having a personal assistant at your fingertips 24/7.

Why do some businesses struggle year after year and others seem to take off like a rocket right from the start? Well, if you were able to see behind the scenes of those highly successful businesses, you would find that one of their secrets to their success is using technology to automate as much of their business as possible so that they can continue to grow their business in other areas.

Automating Your Business Will


Increase traffic to your site or store – Did you know there are ways to automatically send your articles and messages to all forums that you are a member of? Automating your submissions increases your link exposure, which will build your search engine rankings and traffic to your site. Learn more about this at Forum Fortunes

Streamline your website administration – One of the most time consuming tasks is replying to individual emails. By automating your email program to respond to every inquiry immediately, create mailing lists for your newsletters and sending out your Ezine, you will save countless hours that you can use for other business growing projects. Learn more about this at AWeber

Improve customer satisfaction and make your life a lot less stressful – Offering a good shopping cart to keep track of items your visitors choose to purchase from your site until they are ready to check out will assure that your customers are getting exactly what they want. Many shopping carts come with special features to calculate discounts and coupons as well as offer secure payment transactions instantly. Learn more about this at Store Front Ecommerce

Increase profits – Again, by building traffic and improving customer satisfaction, your sales will increase and you will see more repeat customers.

Protect your computer and your business – By filtering and deleting all spam and dealing with suspicious email before it reaches your in-box, you can prevent viruses and other malicious content from being downloaded to your computer which will save you time and money. Read more about this at Mail Washer Pro

Allow you to run your business from virtually anywhere – Wouldn t it be nice to take that much needed vacation yet still be able to run your business? If you are like many business owners, it seems that every time you go out of town for an extended weekend or vacation, your business has some sort of meltdown.

Though most times they are minor problems that can be fixed fairly quickly once you get home, they still cost you time and quite possible customers, both of which equal money. By automating much of your business, you will decrease the amount of problems while allowing you to fix any others even if you are in Cancun or Paris! Now that has to give you some peace of mind.

With all of these benefits, why wait another minute to find out how you can start to improve your business and gain much needed time?

About the Author: Nell Taliercio is the publisher of a weekly telecommuting newsletter that helps moms and dads work at home. Read more about the newsletter and get your free listing of job links at

– and for more telecommuting and home based business information head over to


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Posted by Admin in Outsourcing Company

Acne: Going Through Hormonal Changes? Beware Of Acne!

Submitted by: Joey River

Acne is more than just skin deep, there are more than one causes for acne and one of the most top rated is hormonal changes. Changes in hormones can be due to puberty or due to changes after age 30 or even during menopause can cause mild to severe acne, depending on your body constitution.

Teenagers with highest amount of hormonal activity going on in the body are most susceptible to acne. Not just the hormonal activity but eating habits of teenagers and general hygiene are other reasons that are likely to boost the acne.

It is very much necessary therefore, that acne should be taken care of earliest when signs start showing, and acne ignored for a long time can result into pimples that may leave ugly scars on skin, especially on face. Scars always stay on for a life time, unless exceptionally good quality skin that cures scars.

How does hormone activity result into acne formation? Highly active hormones, start processes which the body does not do normally, this also includes secretion of extra oil by skin glands. If the skin is not being kept clean enough, dead cells end up blocking skin pores. Extra oil secreted gets blocked inside skin pores because of the dead cells and results into acne.


Acne can then develop into various different stages that require to be taken care of more than you might require to get rid of acne. Acne might be noticeable sometimes, it becomes more obvious after it starts forming into white heads or black heads, taking care of acne at this stage often helps clear the pores and avoid the heads turning into pimples.

If proper care to remove black heads and white heads is not taken acne formation might run deeper and for pimples, which can do both, either make your face look ugly or leave scars.

There are certain home remedies you can do to take care of acne, these home remedies are very simple to follow and do, and in fact you can even include these remedies in your daily routine. Firstly, it is very important to take care of your skin especially those parts which are constantly exposed like your face. It is important to use a cleanser or exfoliating soap so that your skin pores remain open allowing oil to come out easily.

Secondly, you can try and remove any and all makeup you apply all day long so that makeup does not block your skin pores. Thirdly, take care of your diet, drink ample of water; eat healthy foods, including vegetables and all those foods that are rich in fiber. You can also start eating healthy amounts of salads for each meal. Avoid spicy and oily or fatty foods. Junk food too is strictly avoidable.

Fourthly, though dandruff is just one of the causes of skin problems, dandruff can keep on falling on skin and cause blockage of pores. This blockage too can lead to acne and later pimples. So taking care of your hair and getting rid of dandruff is necessary too.

About the Author: Find more information about the

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with useful

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Posted by Admin in Cosmetic And Reconstructive Surgery

Dalamatian Breed Information

DESCRIPTIONOne of the most instantly recognisable breeds, the Dalmatian is a large, athletic, breed of dog; strong and possessing great endurance, their unique black or liver-spotted coat (the most common colors) is unique in the canine world. The Dalmatian has elegant lines and a movement that embodies grace and elegance. They have a similar physic to pointers and although not directly classed as one, it is possible that they are related. The coat is short and dense with a shiny, almost glossy appearance, with a white background and black, liver, lemon, dark blue, tri-colored, brindled, or sable colored stains distributed throughout. Patterns may appear denser or more sparse on different dogs. solid white Dalmatians do exist although they are considered highly undesirable in the show arena. The head of the Dalmatian is carried in respect to the overall stance of the Dalmatian, in an alert and intelligent fashion. They have blue, or brown eyes, that are moderate in size and a nose that is colored black, liver, blue or dark gray (which looks black) and corresponds with the color of the dogs spots. Dalmatian ears have a slight upward curve, narrow to the point and have a soft texture. All Dalmatian puppies are born with solid white coloring and spots appear as they grow. Dalmatians with clearly defined and distributed spots are those most sought after.TEMPERAMENTThe Dalmatian is s dog bred for one purpose – to run. They are a playful and energetic breed, with outstanding stamina and have bundles of energy, as such they are not a breed that enjoys sitting around all day. Dalmatians are extremely affectionate and thrive on human companionship, if denied this, they will become reclusive and depressed. Although lovely to children and certainly no threat, their rambunctious and playful nature, coupled with their size, can mean they are a bit too much to handle for smaller children. They are a happy breed and respond very well to firm, gentle, calm and fair treatment. They possess great memories and any mal-treatment will not be forgotten. Lack of exercise or an out-let for their high energy levels may lead to a highly strung dog, whilst a lack of early socialization can lead to timidness. Some of this breed can be aggressive to strange dogs, especially in male on male confrontations. 50% of Dalmatian puppies adopted are not kept past the first year, because many potential owners do not research the breed thoroughly and understand that as puppies, Dalmatians are extremely lively and energetic. Having said this they tend to calm down after a couple of years and most owners who make it through the active puppy-hood period are extremely happy with these lovely dogs.HEIGHT: Dogs 50-60cm (22-24 inches), Bitches 50-55cm (20-22 inches)WEIGHT:20-27kg (45-60lbs)HEALTHThe Dalmatian is generally a healthy breed, although there are specific issues affecting this breed. One of these is deafness, which affects 10-12% of Dalmatians and is noticeable in puppies at 6 weeks old. At this age they should be given the BAER-test for deafness. Any puppies that are determined to be completely deaf should be spayed, or neutered when the reach the appropriate age. Deaf dogs are difficult to bring up and will often become aggressive or snappish as a result of fear. Another problem that affects the Dalmatian breed is urinary stones, this is as a result of higher concentrations of uric acid than is prevalent in other breeds, sometimes causing blockages; lower protein diets are usually recommended by vets to combat this condition. Some Dalmatians may also display allergic reactions to synthetic fibres in carpets, or upholstery, in the form of skin irritations. One interesting point about Dalmatians is that unlike many other large breeds of dog, they do not suffer from hip dysplasia or elbow dysplasia and although there are cases, they are extremely rare. LIVING CONDITIONSAn abundance of energy means that the Dalmatian is not suited to apartment life, unless, however, the owner is prepared to make several excursions outside every day, to allow the dog to vent its instinctive need to run. Dalmatians are not only active dogs outside, but also indoors and preferably an average sized back garden, or yard is needed to give them some space to burn some of their inherent energy. dalmatians should not be left outside in cooler or cold climates. EXERCISEDaily long, brisk walks or even runs are needed to keep this dog healthy both physically and mentally. They have spectacular endurance and walking alone will not suffice this breed´s exercise requirement. Off leash running and play are essential in safe areas. A long bike ride with a Dalmatian running along side is one way an owner can meet this dogs needs without becoming too exhausted themselves. Under exercised Dalmatians will display numerous behavioral problems and may become destructive. LIFE EXPECTANCY: 10-12 years LITTER SIZE: Very large at 15+ puppiesGROOMINGRelatively easy to care for Dalmatians require regular brushing with a bristle brush as they are constant – albeit in small amounts – shedders. Twice annually they have a heavier shedding period and the regularity of brushing should be increased during these times. Bathe and trim nails only when necessary.HISTORYThe Dalmatian is an ancient breed of dog, with depictions of similar Dalmationesque dogs running along-side chariots have been found in ancient Egyptian tombs. The breed has also been mentioned in the letters of a poet named Jurij Dalmatian, which date back to the mid-16th century. The Spanish Chapel of Santa Maria Novella in Florence, Italy, boasts a fresco painted in 1360 which depicts a spotted dog that strongly resembles a modern-day dalmatian. The breed is believed to have changed very little since these times. Despite these findings, there is disagreement on where the Dalmatian originated and whilst Dalmatia in Croatia has been sited, many believe the dogs origins lie further back in time and in a different part of the world. The name ´Dalmatian´ was first used to refer to this breed in the mid 19th Century. Perhaps it is due to the abundance of Dalmatian references in art, literature and poetry, from around the world, that there exists so many disputes as to where the breed originated from, with claims coming from Europe, Asia and Africa. What is clear, is that the Dalmatian has been used for a wide variety of different tasks and jobs throughout the centuries including: dogs of war; hunting dogs, used to hunt birds, trail hounds, retrieve kills, or hunt in packs for boar or stag hunting; watch dog; shepherd dog; ratter – a dog that kills vermin; a circus dog; and perhaps most famously a coach dog. When introduced to England the Dalmatian was trained to run alongside rich aristocrats coaches, as well as fire brigade carriages and it is from this that it received the name English Coach Dog. The American Kennel Club recognised the breed in 1888. One major factor in the breed´s swings in popularity has been the Walt Disney films 101 Dalmatians and their sequels and whilst not at their peak of popularity now, Dalmatians continue to be a well loved and revered breed around the world.

Posted by Admin in Puppies For Sale

Higher Education Sized To Fit

Submitted by: Nicole Stmartin

What is the most important thing you should know before selecting a degree program? Your self. Understanding your own learning style will help you select a program that suits you-making the journey toward a higher degree more profitable and pleasurable.

Universities have responded to the need for flexibility, portability and convenience by responding to different learning styles. Working adults can earn bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees from local, regional and national universities-by attending day school, night school, weekend programs, online and blended programs.

The point is: the “college experience” now runs the gamut from day classes on campus to online courserooms that let you log in from home or a post in the Middle East. To make the most of the educational experience, choose wisely.


Consider the following before you select a university:

1. Are you a visual or auditory learner? Visual learners: About 40 percent of students are visual learners. If you are a visual learner, you learn best with the help of written words, pictures, diagrams, films, and demonstrations. You prefer visual stimuli and may have trouble concentrating in a noisy environment. Consider online education.

Auditory learners: If you are an auditory learner, you prefer listening to seeing, would rather give an oral report than a written one, and are better at following spoken rather than written directions. Check out on-campus programs.

2. Does frequent interaction with your peers inspire you to higher performance? This is a tricky question. What does interaction look like to you? Does it mean being in the same room with your classmates? And if so, are you really conversing with other students or simply listening to a lecture together? Do you desire interaction that will improve your mastery of the subject matter? Interaction in both on-campus and online courserooms can be robust-often depending on the style and skill of the instructor. One significant difference in online courserooms is that mastery of the subject is typically demonstrated through writing rather than tests. During your tenure in the course, you’ll have the opportunity to see other students’ best thinking in writing; this level of interaction often greatly enhances learning.

3. Where will education fit best into your schedule? Nearly half of all grad students enroll between ages 24 and 35 and one-quarter start at age 36 or older. About a third of grad students are rearing children. In other words, the “average” student these days has lots of obligations.

For students with lots of activities in addition to work, a university that flexes to the student’s schedule may be the number one requirement. Onlineeducation gives students round-the-clock access to the tools and content of the course. On the other hand, if you’re a student who prefers to build your schedule around a twice-a-week course, on-campus learning may be for you.

An expert opinion Virginia College Online President Stanley Banks suggests students consider the following when deciding which learning model is right: If you enjoy test-taking, live discussions, and face time with your professor and peers as stimulus to manage your time and get your work done-you’re probably a candidate for on-campus learning.

If you are a self-disciplined, self-motivated learner, prefer communicating through writing and desire learning through the writing of other students, online education may be the ideal solution for you. If you see yourself in both camps, try a blended model of on campus and online learning.

About the Author: For more information or help deciding your best course of action, contact the Admissions Department at Virginia College Online at 888-827-7770 or visit Virginia College Online at


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Posted by Admin in Dance

Leadership Lessons At 10,000 Feet

If you have flown anytime in the last several years you have heard some version of this announcement:At this time, we request that all mobile phones, pagers, radios, and remote controlled toys be turned off for the full duration of the flight, as these items might interfere with the navigational and communication equipment on this aircraft. We request that all other electronic devices including laptops, Game boys, CD players, Mp3 players, tablets, e-readers be turned off until we fly above 10,000 feet. We will notify you when it is safe to use such devices.More recently there are typically at least two other announcements about turning off phone devices before the doors close, and there is another announcement about turning them off as the plane moves into its final approach for landing.The message is pretty clear – they don’t want us to have these items on, except above 10,000 feet.A study released on 5/9/13 by Airline Passenger Experience Association (APEX) found that 99% of flyers carried at least one of these devices with them onboard. Further, and to the point of this post, the study found that,“Almost one-third (30 percent) of passengers report they have accidentally left a PED turned on during a flight. The study found that when asked to turn off their electronic devices, 59 percent of passengers say they always turn their devices completely off, 21 percent of passengers say they switch their devices to “airplane mode,” and five percent say they sometimes turn their devices completely off. Of those passengers who accidentally left their PED turned on in-flight, 61 percent said the device was a smartphone.” (Emphasis is mine and you can read the full press release on the study here.)We were told several times, yet nearly a third of us forgot, ignored it, or didn’t really hear it at all.This is a big, obvious reminder that successful communication requires more than a good script and a clear message. Communication only really occurs when the message is received.The Lessons for Us as Leaders and CommunicatorsThere may be others, but here are some key reminders this example gave me.Repetition alone isn’t enough. How many times have you said (out loud or to yourself) “How many times do I have to tell them?” Repetition does help make communication stick, but our experience (and this study) tells us that it isn’t enough. Remember that repetition of important ideas should always be in your communications repertoire – the goal is to give a consistent message without being repetitious.Attention is hard to get. The next time you fly (or if you don’t fly much ask someone who does), notice how little attention is paid to the flight attendants during all of their announcements. When you see all of the conversations and multi-tasking that is happening as the make their announcements it isn’t hard to believe that 30% of people don’t follow the guidelines. What are you doing to earn the attention of those you are communicating with?A well prepared message isn’t enough. The script is clear, the instructions are easy to follow. The script has been practiced, and the speaker is confident of the words, yet communication isn’t occurring. How much of that could be said about your last presentation? Prepare, but realize that in the end it is about the audience as much as the message itself.Engagement is required. The flight attendants efforts are doomed because they haven’t really engaged most people. True communication can’t happen until there is engagement. If you have flown a lot you have perhaps encountered a flight attendant who does the announcements differently – they get the message through and create both attention and engagement with humor or in some other way. I have been on flights where passengers did stop reading to listen – and I’ve even heard chuckles and comments about the messages. While I can’t prove it, I’d bet more smartphones are turned off on those flights. What are you doing to truly engage your audiences, to captivate them and to make them a part of the communication and the message?There are more lessons you can take from this study, but if you take at least one of these to heart and apply it in your communications, you will be more successful. Put up your tray table, stow your carry on, turn off your phone and think about how these lessons will help you become a better communicator.

Posted by Admin in Consultant

Exploring The Underwater World Scuba Diving From Kota Kinabalu In Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia

By Joanne Cotterill

Sabah is part of Malaysian Borneo, located in south east Asia and is surrounded by the South China Sea on the west coast, Sulu Sea on the East coast and the Celebes Sea on the South Cost. Sabah is located within the Coral Triangle – the Coral Triangle is known for being home to some of the most diverse marine life in the world. Fortunately you don’t have to travel far in Sabah to appreciate its tropical waters. Kota Kinabalu, the capital city, has Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park on it’s doorstep. The marine national park is only 20 minutes by boat from Kota Kinabalu, Sabah’s Capital and Malaysia’s youngest city. This makes it a popular choice for visitors interested in diving, snorkelling, watersports or just chilling out on the islands beaches. The rest of this article provides an overview of the scuba diving sites located in Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park located just in front of Kota Kinabalu.

The Marine Park, named after Malaysia’s first Prime Minister, came into existence in 1974 and at that time it was Sabah’s second National Park. It is home to five islands – Pulau Gaya, Pulau Mamutik, Pulau Sapi, Pulau Manukan and Pulau Sulug. The three busiest islands are Sapi, Mamutik & Manukan (each with the facilities to cater for tourists). All five islands are fringed by coral reefs and home to dive sites and areas suitable for snorkeling. With over 20 different dive sites in Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park the visiting diver, or those wanting a try dive, really are spoilt for choice. Let’s take a closer look at the reefs surrounding each of the islands and the variety of marine life you can expect to see.

Sapi is the second smallest island in the Marine Park. It is fringed by a reef on it’s east, south and west shores. Sapi House reef is probably the most popular dive site in the Marine Park for divers. It is home to a shallow coral reef, artificial reef balls and a sandy bay which is ideal for diver training. On the home reef you’ll see a wide variety of coral reef fish – Damsel Fish, Fusiliers, Barracuda, Parrot Fish, Wrasse, Puffer Fish, Porcupine Fish, Bat Fish – and it’s the most popular reef for visiting Hawksbill Turtles. Along the sandy bank you’ll find some interesting marine life too including Garden Eels, Blue Spotted Rays, Gobies, Lion Fish, File Fish, Puffer Fish, Anemone Fish, Pipefish, Flounders (known locally as the Ikan Sebelah – or ‘side fish’), nudibranches and more. The house reef is 3m – 18m with a sloping reef. It rarely has currents making it perfect for a check out dive or a very relaxing dive either enjoying the fish life in the shallow reefs, muck diving along the sandy area or checking out the marine life around the artificial reef balls.

There are also some good dive sites on the south coast of Sapi – Rons Reef and Rays Reef – both have gentle slopping reefs from 8m – 18m and can be a nice gentle drift dive when the tides changing. Another nice dive site on the west coast is the reef extension know as Clements Reef. Clements Reef has very pretty hard and soft corals interspersed with coral cover boulders and Barrel Sponges. It is 8m on the top of the reef with a gentle sloping reef fringing the dive site down to between 18m – 25m. A nice deeper coral reef site.


Mamutik, a slightly quieter island, is home to a nice beach and two decent dive sites – the fringing reef located on the north and western side of the island (which has a 10m x 5m patch full of anemones with False Clarke Anemone Fish, or Nemo’s). It also has a dive site called ‘the Pyramid’ located off the west facing side of the island – so called due to it’s shape. The Pyramid is an interesting dive site – it may not have the best corals in the Marine Park but it has interesting critters on it’s slops (Nudibranches, Scorpion Fish, Shrimps etc.) and typically has a large schooling group of Barracuda at the top of the pyramid. The dive sites have the nicest conditions during the North East trade winds (November – March) when they are more protected from the prevailing winds.

Manukan’s best dive sites are on the west coast, facing out to the South China Sea. These are probably the least visited coral reefs by divers – as most Dive Operators don’t make the effort to visit reefs that are the furthest distance from Kota Kinabalu. Typically you’ll be the only divers in the water when diving the west reef. Home to a shallow reef (5m – 12m) full of large table corals with a gently sloping sand bank from 10m – 20 dotted with coral boulders. Around these coral boulders you can often find an interesting mix of Nudibranches, Lion Fish, Shrimps, File Fish, Puffer Fish, Porcupine Fish, Moray Eels, Sea Cucumbers and more.

Gaya is the largest island in Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park. Whilst most of the island is fringed by coral reefs, the nicest quality reefs (in terms of coral coverage, health of the corals and mix of marine life can be found at a small number of locations – Soft Coral Garden on the west coast (so called due to the volume of colourful soft corals covering it), Policy Bay and the reefs just to the east of Police Bay. Police Bay is a protected bay during the south west trade winds providing for nicer visibility. The reefs towards the edge of the entrance to the bay (on the northern tip) have lovely steep sloping reef walls from 10m to 25m – 30m and often have large shoals of Snappers and Fusiliers.

Last, but by no means least, Sulug. Sulug has a ‘tongue shaped’ coral reef protruding from it’s north face. The reef has a flat top at 5m – 7m with steeper slopes which can reach 25m. The slopes are covered in coral covered boulders and bombies. It’s on the northern reef slopes where you’ll find the most Orangutan crabs, a surprising range of Nudibranches and some of the largest Gorgonian Fans. If you’re lucky you may also get to see a Frog Fish or a Ghost Harlequin Pipefish during the mating season.

Whether you be visiting Kota Kinabalu, Sabah as an experienced diver, a new diver, wanting to learn to dive or enjoy a try dive there are dive sites in Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park to meet your needs.

To find out more about scuba diving in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Borneo have a look at

About the Author: I was born in North West England and spent my childhood there. I achieved a MA Hons Economics from Cambridge University and subsequently spent time working for in England, Europe, the Seychelles in Financial Services. I now own and run with my partner in Sabah, Borneo.


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Posted by Admin in Financial Planning

How To Choose The Best Commercial Moving Company

byAlma Abell

Home movers are very helpful to homeowners since they make the residential moving process stress-free and less challenging. When you settle on the right movers, you stand a chance to benefit from their services. It is always good to undertake a background check on the company and its credentials. This will possibly make it easy for you to shortlist some of the companies before settling on any. Here are the tips for finding professional and credible companies for Commercial Moving in Macon GA.

Follow the Track Record of the Company


Any professional company dealing in commercial moving in Macon GA should have a good reputation. Ask them about commercial service packages, customer satisfaction, safety records, and liability insurance. If the company does not cooperate well in such a conversation, then it shows that it is not worthy of your job.

The Package System

A reputable moving company will offer you various services including the project and inventory management. Others include loading, relocation planning, packing, unloading, moving, storage, contingency planning, tracking of goods, re-assembly, and certification. The company will always keep you informed on the different processes involved in the relocation process. In fact, most-moving companies know different transit stages and this helps to offer great assurance of a timely move.

Scope of Service and Quotes of the Company

A reputable company will take every initiative to understand the moving needs for their clients so as to tailor-make a right package which caters for specific requirements of the clients. Therefore, it is wise to communicate in prior the level of which you want these movers to handle your moving especially if you are working on a limited or tight budget. This might help you get the right quote which is based on the scope of the offered service. Always get the price estimates from different moving companies, even if it takes you to visit the website or visiting the company in person. This will help you in finding the quality services that will satisfy your requirements. Always insist on a written agreement be it in a binding or non-binding prices. You can Visit website for more information.

Posted by Admin in Strata Management

Few Tips To Choose The Best Plastic Surgeon In Houston

Few tips to choose the best Plastic Surgeon in Houston


Dr. Ben Cilento

You ve done your homework: you ve discovered which plastic surgeons in your area are board-certified, which have specialized in your area of need and which have received sterling online reviews. Now, you have one more step before you pick the Houston plastic surgeon that is right for you: the interview.

This final step can be difficult for consumers that are not used to throwing their weight around. You might be shy about asking to take part of a plastic surgeon s valuable time with your questions. You might dread the time that it will take you to interview several candidates. You must get over these fears and do what is in your best interest, because so much is at stake. An interview is highly recommended before settling on the Houston plastic surgeon that will do your operation.

Here are a few tips for your interview. You might only need to do one if you are highly satisfied with how it goes. Remember these pointers:

1. There is no need for nervousness. You are not under any obligation to have work done by the


plastic surgeon in Houston

that you are interviewing. You are simply gathering information to make a wise decision, so leave the nerves at home.

2. You are the boss. You are hiring someone to do expensive, delicate work. You are interviewing the Houston plastic surgeon, not the other way around. Command the interview accordingly.

3. Allow the Houston plastic surgeon to make recommendations about what you should have done after you have explained what you are dissatisfied with. Do not go in saying, I need this surgery. Let the expert in this case guide you in your choice of surgery.

4. Several questions that must be raised what exactly will be done? What will be improved? What cannot be improved? What are the risks? Are those risks worth it? How long for recovery and public appearance? Cost? All of these questions are valid and should receive patient answers from the Houston plastic surgeon of your choice.

5. Get a look at before-and-after photos while in the office or on his/her website. Try to find photos of patients that had the procedure done that you are considering. That will be the best way to compare.

6. You can even request to talk to the surgeon s previous patients. S/he may be able to arrange such interviews for you.

Take your time as you choose a Houston plastic surgeon. Much is on the line, both financially and physically. This could be one of the more important decisions that you make, when you consider that you are the one who will need the confidence to go out the door and face the world every day after this operation.

For that reason and many others, set up a few interviews and compare plastic surgeons to find the best fit for your needs and budget.

Dr. Ben Cilento

is a well known

Houston plastic surgeon

as well as good author writing articles about plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery which helps patient to improve the way of look and feel about their appearance through plastic surgery, minimally invasive procedures and non-surgical treatments like plastic surgeons in Houston and Rhinoplasty.

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Posted by Admin in Medicine

6 Advantages Of Expense Management Software

Every company needs to track its operational costs, which include managing expenses. Employees submit expense reports to claim reimbursements for out-of-pocket spending. Managers check the validity of such slips and provide the final approval. They have also to monitor other financial components like:

  1. How much is the company spending on travel-related expenses?
  2. Costs incurred in providing free meals to employees.
  3. Money spent on giving gifts to employees.

These financial components ensure that the company can claim appropriate deductions during the financial year close.

Although big companies have already changed their ways of functioning by implementing expense management software, small companies still rely on inefficient processes — receipts, spreadsheets, and paper reports — for accounting purposes. It causes various disadvantages, such as:

  1. Duplicate reports lead to reduced cash flow.
  2. Accounting and financial mistakes attract severe government penalties.
  3. Difficult accounting practices and redundancies frustrate the user.

This article will focus on the critical advantages of expense management software and why companies must implement them.

1. Increases speed and cuts costs.

Without the expense management software, managers either approve or ask employees to make suitable changes in the following documents:

  1. Paper copies
  2. Reports
  3. Receipts

But this way of doing work often wastes a lot of time and can also introduce numerous human errors. On the other hand, expense management software automates data collection and sends them to the respective manager on time. The employee has to only click on the ‘send’ button and the process initiates. This process helps in two ways.

  1. It reduces processing costs because the physical paper is eliminated.
  2. It minimizes processing time because managers don’t have to reconcile data manually.

2. Enables faster reimbursement.

As stated above, employees experience technical difficulties while filling in the expense reimbursement details and corresponding documentation. Similarly, managers can review and approve the claims faster. Once the approval is done, the reimbursement is initiated and submitted to the payroll. This process eliminates any possibility of errors that increases employee satisfaction.

3. Enhances operational efficiency.

Companies need to bill expenses directly to employees and clients’ reports to increase cash flow.Expense management software is linked with accounting and enterprise management (ERP), time tracking, and project management software that makes it easy for employees to send their claims and for managers to review and approve them. Moreover, when the process is automated, employees don’t have to waste time doing mundane activities. Instead, they can focus on strategic tasks that require creativity and intelligence and bring value to the organization. Thus, expense management software is essential for all companies, especially SMEs, as efficiency plays a critical role in their growth.

4. Allows enforcing policies correctly.

Government rules, regulations, and norms are subject to change. In most cases, business employees — frontline workers and managers — aren’t very well informed on the changing government policies. It can lead to significant losses or can attract stringent government policies. For example, the salesperson asks for a daily travel allowance of Rs.100 while the government has capped the maximum limit for conveyance allowance at Rs.80 by passing a new law. In such a case, both the employee and the company can land in serious trouble. The expense management software updates the government policies regularly so that inaccurate reports can be eliminated.

5. Expense management software improves visibility.

The expense management software compiles the employees’ expense data into a single dashboard in a visually appealing format. It shows data using charts and graphs that make it easy for managers to review and provide approvals. The dashboard stores information such as:

  1. Time taken by the manager to review and approve claims.
  2. Expenses borne by the company per employee

6. Expense management software helps prevents frauds

Businesses often have to face several fraudulent expense reports, including:

  1. Mischaracterized expenses
  2. Falsified claims
  3. Inflated expense claims
  4. Multiple claims

Reports suggest that fraudulent claims are rising rapidly. Association of Certified Fraud Examiners says that 13% of big corporates and 20% of companies with less than 100 employees have faced fraudulent expense reimbursements. Managers may miss noticing fake entries from trusted employees and vendors, increasing the expenses to new heights.


Expense management software allows companies to manage their expenses in the best possible manner. It eliminates technical difficulties and enables employees to provide claims conveniently. On the other hand, it allows managers to review and verify claims at the earliest. Moreover, it also allows companies to adhere to government policies, thereby eliminating the imposition of penalties. Further, it also provides security from fraudulent activities and helps companies to save money.

Posted by Admin in Cash Management